Legal Disclaimer

The individuals presented on the The Elite Companion website are not employees of or any associated legal entity. The Elite Companions of Europe is acting solely in the capacity of an advertising and refferal service. The individuals presented on the The Elite Companions Europe websitepay and agreed upon fee for said advertising services. Under no circumstances do The Elite Companion of Europe Escorts and associated entities or persons receive money as a consequence of services or activities either contemplated or perfomed by the advertisers in connection with the engagements requested by clients.
These Terms and Conditions are binding for the parties. The Service Provider reserves the right to modify the Terms and Conditions at any time.
The access and / or use of The Website which is the property of The Service Provider, in the terms specified, attributes the condition of “the User”. By accessing this website you accept the access to the services under the present “Terms of Service” that regulate the access and the use of The Website.
The user undertakes not to use the information published on this website for illicit or harmful purposes contrary to those defined in this Legal Notice.
In your case, the access, as well as the use of the information contained in this Website, is the sole responsibility of the person who carries it out. The Service Provider is not responsible for any consequence, damage or harm that may arise from such use of the information.
The Service Provider cannot guarantee the inexistence of interruptions or errors in access to this website, despite having taken all necessary technological measures to avoid it.
All intellectual property rights of all elements contained in this website, including trademarks, formats, graphic designs and images that make up the template of this website, belong to the developers of the same.
Likewise, the images, documents, texts, as well as other files that The Service Provider can include configuring this page belong to The Service Provider.
In both cases, they are protected by international laws on Intellectual and Industrial Property. It is expressly forbidden the total or partial reproduction of this website and any of its contents without the express written permission of the owners mentioned above. Access to the website does not imply any waiver, transmission, license or assignment of said rights by the same, unless expressly stated otherwise. The User undertakes to respect the rights of Intellectual Property and Industrial ownership of The Service Provider.
In the event that links or hyperlinks to other Internet sites are provided on this website, The Service Provider will not exercise any control over said sites and its contents. In no case will The Service Provider assume any responsibility for the contents of any link belonging to a third-party website, nor guarantee the technical availability, quality, reliability, accuracy, breadth, truthfulness and validity of any material or information contained in any of such hyperlinks or other Internet sites. If you access these websites you should be aware that they are not covered by this Legal Notice and by our Privacy Policy.
The Service Provider reserves the right to make any modifications that it deems appropriate or reflect changes to the law in The Website without prior notice, being able to change, suppress or add both the contents and services provided through it and the way in which they appear presented or located in The Website, in accordance with current legislation and guidelines of the legislation in this area.
These Terms of Use shall remain in force until they are modified by others and duly published.